Synopsis: During the War on Terror started after 9/11, Gamel Sadek, a Muslim schoolteacher is taken from his home and delivered to Bagram Air Base, a CIA black site, where he is questioned about the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden. He is tortured when he denies knowing him. Chained and hooded, he is put on a cargo plane to Guantanamo Bay.
John Anderson, a military interrogator, is brought out of retirement and assigned to Gamel’s case leaving his daughter behind in New York. Despite relentless beatings, starvation, and torture in Gitmo, Gamel maintains he has no affiliation with Al Qaeda or Bin Laden. John struggles to accept the new torture methods imposed by General Miller, newly in command of the prison, and the mandate to force a confession at any cost. As Gamel prepares for a hearing on his status as an enemy combatant, he realizes he could be held indefinitely, and that John’s testimony will be the deciding factor.
Based on real events.
Written & Directed by Philippe Diaz
Featured cast:
Sammy Sheik, Eric Pierpoint, Paul Kampf, Jason Reid, Chico Brown
"'I am Gitmo' puts a great deal of the sketchy record from Guantanamo on full view here, and it deserves applause for doing so.” - Perry Norton, Film Threat
“Incredible acting and incredible filmmaking" -Tom Needham, Sounds of Film
DVD DETAILS - bonus features include:
• Deleted Scenes
• Post-screening speech by Fionnuala D. Ní Aoláin who was the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counterterrorism from 2017 - 2023
• Closed Captions in English and Spanish Street Date: August 27, 2024 | Genre: Drama| Not Rated | Running time:120 minutes | UPC: 881394129627 | SRP: $19.95 | Format: 16:9 Widescreen |Audio: Stereo